In order to talk about the most famous ships in the world, it is absolutely essential to know that navigation has always been used by human beings to satisfy all kinds of needs. Needs such as food, through fishing; exploration, to get to know new territories; transporting people and goods from one end of the world to another, and so on.
For all these reasons, there is a group of ships that have become the most famous and influential of all times. Ships that, because of their exploits, triumphs and even failures, have been part of history.
In this top, we will see the 7 most famous ships in the world and you will know the reasons why they are part of these honorary positions.
RMS Titanic
In the top 1, we have the very well known: RMS Titanic!
Who doesn't know the most famous shipwreck in history? The Titanic was the largest and most luxurious passenger ship of its time. It began its route on April 10, 1912 and only four days later, on April 14 at 23:40, it struck an iceberg south of the coast of Newfoundland. At 2:20 a.m. the next day she sank, killing 1,517 people (including passengers and crew).
After this tragic event, Titanic became the movie that marked a whole generation at the end of the 90s. Thousands of people around the world fell in love with the story that emerged between Jack and Rose.
La Niña, La Pinta y la Santa María
In this top 2, we have three ships. Together, they achieved what seemed impossible at the time: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria!
In this post of the most famous ships in the world, it was impossible to overlook these three ships made the sea voyage considered the most important throughout history.
Known as "the caravels", these three small vessels allowed Christopher Columbus to discover America. Marking a historic event that changed the world.
The battleship Bismarck
The top 3 comes strong, and never better said... The Battleship Bismarck!
Another ship that left its mark on history. It is the first of two battleships built for the German Kriegsmarine in World War II. Together with her sister ship, the Tirpitz, she was the largest battleship built up to that time by any navy, as well as the fastest, becoming one of the most famous ships in the world.
As a curious fact, although the British have always claimed to have sunk it, it was later proved that there was no evidence of holes caused by British torpedoes. Among the most probable theories and hypotheses is that the Germans themselves decided to sink it to prevent the anti-German coalition from taking possession of it, since this ship was far superior to all the ships up to that time.
Aircraft carrier Enterprise
We land in the top 4... this time it is the turn of the aircraft carrier Enterprise!
The USS Enterprise is another of the most famous ships in the world for being the first nuclear aircraft carrier and belonging to the United States Navy. It is also currently the largest warship in existence at 342 meters.
The victory
Crowning the top 5 is... The Victory!
The Victory is one of the most famous ships in the world for its participation in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. It was Admiral Horatio Nelson's flagship in the British line. In this battle, the Victory had no less than 104 guns. And the most surprising thing of all is that she is still in service today, being the oldest warship.
The flying dutchman
In the top 6 comes one of the most terrifying ships... , the Flying Dutchman!
This ship is a legend. It has inspired thousands of works around the world, from movies, paintings, to operas.
Condemned to sail the seas for eternity, the result of a pact with the devil by its captain, it is the best-known ghost ship of all. There has been talk of horrible crimes committed on board and legend even has it that it was born of an epidemic that infected the crew and so they were condemned to sail forever, unable to set foot on dry land. Truly terrifying!
The nao Victoria
Finally, in the top 7 we have one of the most important ships of all time... The nao Victoria!
The nao Victoria was a tall ship of the first squadron financed by the Spanish Crown and captained by Ferdinand Magellan. This expedition, commanded by Juan Sebastian Elcano on his return (1519-1522) became the first ship to complete a round-the-world voyage in 164 days.
Now you know more about what are for us the 7 most famous ships in the world, their stories, curiosities and appearance.
These ships have somehow marked a before and after in everyone's life. They have allowed us to go beyond the reach of sight, inspired thousands of works and have been part of our history thanks to their design, innovation or the courage of thousands of people who decided to embark on a sea of conflict heading for the unknown. That is how important the nautical world has always been.
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